Saturday, March 29, 2014


Charge N H Chan for contempt or resign, CJ?
Charge N H Chan for contempt or resign, CJ?
 By Martin Jalleh
 The integrity of the judiciary has been badly mauled by a legal lion who does not mince his words no matter how high or mighty a judge thinks he is. He has called a spade a spade and certain members of the judiciary an “incompetent” and even an “idiotic” bunch!
 All the Chief Justice (CJ) and the judges in the Palace of Justice have managed to do is remain mum, mute and mumble amongst themselves as N H Chan methodically makes them out for who they really are and the mockery they have made of the law!
 The respected, renowned and retired Justice N H Chan is very frustrated, fed-up and furious at how the judiciary which he had served so faithfully has been reduced to a farce run by those who are legal and intellectual frauds or what he has called “imposters”!
 With each passing compromised judgment N H Chan unhesitatingly hits out at judges with an increasingly sharper sting. He leaves no stone unturned, no errant judge uncovered. They can “no longer mask their hyperbole judgments with unintelligible garbage”.
 “Fools on the bench”
 In his latest scathing critique, he said the rakyat is “stunned by the ignorance of our judges of the highest court in the land”, as seen in the recent Federal Court’s decision not to review Anwar Ibrahim’s application to review its previous decision dismissing his application for disclosure of documents for his second sodomy trial.
 N H Chan said the Federal Court’s approach to Rule 137 of the Rules of the Federal Court 1995 was “inconsistent” and “dishonest” and “those ignoramuses” were talking “utter nonsense”. Those “inane judges cannot even understand plain English”! He put it very plainly and painfully!
 Calling the three-member panel of Justice Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin, Mohd Ghazali Mohd Yusoff and Heliliah Mohd Yusof “incompetent”, he added “perhaps they were clowns as their statements were laughable”.
 His searing criticism was that they “…do not know justice from injustice”, and that “such lowly individuals should never be allowed to sit on the seat of Justice…(and) to be judges at all. And yet there are so many of them in the judiciary today ever since the rot begun.”
 He shredded into smithereens the “judicial renaissance” of the CJ: “Our country does not need impostors, who pose as judges, to deceive the common people any longer. The common citizenry can now uncover the impostors hiding beneath the mantle of the judicature.”
 He laid bare the judicial sham: “With judges such as these in the Malaysian judiciary where, to them, the principles of the law are not to be consonant with justice to be manipulated by them to uphold injustice, it is no wonder that the errant judges have forfeited the confidence of the people. ”
 He left them with a stinging slap in the face: “The general public does not respect such judges anymore! They have put themselves beyond the pale. Just like pariahs. Don’t you think they should be despised?”
 On High Court judge Justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah’s rejection of Anwar’s application to have the judge recuse himself from further hearing the sodomy trial, N H Chan said that the judge was talking “utter nonsense” and “knew next to nothing about judicial bias”.
 He added that the “moral of this unsavoury episode” is this: if you appoint mediocre lawyers to the Bench you will get substandard judges. The solution to this problem is a simple one. Appoint judges from the cream of the legal profession and you will not find me assailing the judges for incompetence simply because I will not be able to do so.”
 Such was his cutting conclusion: “It is only when we have fools on the bench that I can point out that what they have decided is not the law.”
 “Bunch of idiots in high places”
 N H Chan had not spared the judges in the cases related to the Perak constitutional crisis of his very strong language when scrutinising their decisions (with the exception of Kuala Lumpur High Court Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim whom he had praised).
 He highlighted the “bad” and “perverse” judgments, especially those in the appellate courts, the collective written judgements which were “riddled with contradictions” and how the Perak and Federal Constitutions were toyed with and trampled on by the judges!
 During the Perak debacle N H Chan had said that there are “many of our judges today especially among those judges in the higher echelon of the judicial hierarchy who do not seem to know the true meaning of separation of powers in constitutional law. This is most apparent.”
 He called some of the judges of the cases of the Perak imbroglio:
 a) Bad judges – they “seem to think that independence means that they can do what they like”
 b) Recalcitrant judges – “they think that words can mean whatever they want them to mean”
 c) Humpty Dumpty judges – “they also think that they are independent of the legislature”.
 N H Chan has brought to light how beholden the judiciary is to the Umno-dominated Government. He said the “so-called Perak crisis has brought out a host of cases that showed that the judges gave the impression that they were one-sided. The perception of the people is that they sided with the BN government.”
 In the “shocking case” of Zambry v Sivakumar in the Federal Court, he called the judgment by the “infamous five” (judges) Alauddin Mohd Sheriff , Arifin Zakaria, Nik Hashim Ab Rahman, Augustine Paul and Ahmad Makinnuddin, a “perverse decision”.
 In the case of Nizar vs Zambry he called the panel of five Federal Court judges made up of the President of the Court of Appeal Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, Chief Judge of Malaya Arifin Zakaria, Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin, Ghazali Mohd Yusoff and Abdul Hamid Embong, “myopic judges”.

 They “were lost in a quagmire of confused thinking caused by their own incompetence. They found themselves deep in the forest unable to see the wood for the trees. Does this mean that we have a bunch of incompetent judges who sit in the highest court in the land?”
 Alas, with the help of N H Chan the public especially those in Perak were able to see for themselves how members of the judiciary had left behind a dead constitution, “bad” and “perverse” decisions, dubious declaratory orders, judgments devoid of reasoned grounds, and disgraceful double standards.
 Blind and Biased Judges
 N H Chan has “judged the judges”. He considers them, especially those in the appellate courts’ “ignorant”, “inane”, “incompetent” and even “idiots” (which he has strongly inferred).
 The public shares his view. In their eyes the judiciary has allowed itself to be intimidated, its independence and impartiality interfered with, and its integrity reduced to ignominy.
 In the light of the severe criticism of N H Chan of the judiciary (which is quite unprecedented by a retired judge), surely the Chief Justice cannot stand idly, silently and stoically by – unless Zaki Azmi strenuously, staunchly and solemnly agrees with him!
 Further if Zaki continues to remain silent the public will assume that he shares N H Chan's searing criticism of the judiciary. Logically he would have to resign for he has allowed the reputation of the judiciary to be sullied irreparably.
 The judicial shenanigans whom N H Chan has criticized and castigated should also resign for having shamelessly sacrificed justice on the altar of political expediency.
 N H Chan’s comments on members of the judiciary have no doubt been bold, blunt and blistering. He has accused judges of being blind, biased and being a bunch of “idiots” and “fools”. He has thrown the gauntlet down.
 If the CJ disagrees with N H Chan’s criticisms he should haul the former Court of Appeal judge into court and demand that the latter shows cause for why he should not be cited for contempt! Does Zaki have the guts to take up the gauntlet or will he prefer to allow the judicial circus to go on?
 N H Chan has made no bones about it. His blitzkrieg on the judiciary will continue. “Bad guys” had better beware! He will ensure that their names remain in infamy for generations to come unless they recant the wrongs that they have done! He will even write their obituary and if they outlive him there will be others who will take his place!
 N H Chan sees the next general elections as the only solution to an unsalvageable judiciary viewed by the public with greater suspicion, skepticism and even scorn. He once commented: “At the present time and judging by what we have experienced so far from the Perak takeover cases, the quality of most of our judges is suspect”.
 “In the meantime what should we do with so many bad apples in the barrel? If only there could be a change in government in the next general elections with the opposition winning by a landslide. Then we could get rid of all the bad apples by Act of Parliament.”
 10 March 2010

Thursday, February 9, 2012

All The Shit Of The BN Government esp.umno(United Mongoloid Neurotic Org )

Subject:Fw: Read this article by Capt Iskandar Dzulkarnain

Subject:Read this article by Capt Iskandar Dzulkarnain

BN really must GO! - Capt. Iskandar Dzulkarnain

During Mahathir’s rule many non-B's in the armed forces resigned due to lack of promotion opportunities because of his new govt policies. Before that we
had 7 Chinese and 2 Indian Generals.

Read this article by Capt Iskandar Dzulkarnain.
The Malays too are unhappy over what is happening.
What an Embarrassment

By Capt.Iskandar Dzulkarnain

Tun Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years. All of us lived under his leadership during his tenure, and many of us have come to admire him and regard him with our deepest respect, for what he had done for the country.

His Vision 2020, the Look East Policy, the Multimedia Super Corridor, the Internet and his efforts to industrialize the country has brought countless prosperity to our nation.

Lately, we see a sudden about turn to his speeches and rhetorics. Many who listened with interest to his sermons, are alarmed at the vast distortion of everything he has tried to impress upon us in the past.
He is beginning to sound incoherent, with a tinge of cynicism.

The great empire he built in the last 22 years is slowly unravelling, crumbling, torn asunder by the words that spew forth from his mouth.

Everyone, who knows him in the past, is becoming disappointed in what he holds dear to.

At his age, we expect the Grand Old Vizier with wide political experience to advise us, and tell us where we went wrong, and to correct us.

To warn us of the pitfalls of racism, corruption and to protect this country from tearing itself apart.

Lately, many of his speeches have been met with disgust as he keeps on levelling criticism on the different races.

Even Singapore was not spared.

His latest speech that Malaysia belongs to the Malays, that Malays think 1Malaysia is about abolishing vernacular schools, and that Chinese and Indians think that 1Malaysia means abolishing Malay Rights, is really hurtful and hard to swallow.

Today, he is championing Malay Rights.

He is angry that Non-Malays are questioning these rights. He is also angry that Malays themselves are questioning these so-called Rights. He wants the other races to acknowledge that the Dominant Malays are
the rightful heirs to this country called Malaysia .

It is an embarrassment to the Malays. What special rights is he talking about? If the Malays have benefited from it, why have the Malays not advanced any further?

All these years, the Special Rights has only led the Malays to acknowledge that it is only a big pie in the sky.

If the Malays has Special Rights, why are the Malays still lagging behind?

Did anybody actually accorded the Malays these Rights in the past?

Did the Malays reject these Rights, so much so that they are now living in utter poverty?

Can someone start going around and bestow this Rights upon the Malays right now?

As far as we know, we never had any Rights!!!
Only the Chinese and Indians think we have Special Rights.

They can do and go where they want.
Can a Malay drink where he wants?
Can a Malay eat what and where he wants?
Can a Malay believe in whatever God he wants, like the Chinese and Indians? No, he can't. He has no rights!

To have rights means to have freedom to do what you want.

It seems that the Chinese and Indians and the other races seem to have more rights than us Malays.

Most Malays don't give two hoots about Tanah Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu or Special Rights, because it does not exist.

We just want a decent life, job, a brighter, predictable future and the Right to practice our religion free of oppression. We are a loosely knitted race that comprises mixed Javanese, Sumatran, Indian, Hunanese, Thai, and Middle East blood bound together by our religion Islam. And yet in the INTERLOK novel we branded other communities as Pariahs. Why, why, why???

Being good Muslims, why must we insult other races??? And if there is a Special Right, I think I would want to have the Right to mingle freely with our Chinese and Indian friends, step into a church and listen with interest to their choirs singing Christmas
Carols, drop by a Chinese temple, and observe the monks chanting their mantras, or to an Indian Temple to see how they worship. And to drop by the Pub, for a glass of cold Coke, without feeling a little peculiar.

I want the right to tell all our fellow citizens that we do not harbour any ill will against them, that we are just like them and that we will always stand by them.

22 years in power, and yet so many of us Malays still live in misery. We are not asking for utter riches, just a decent life, but many Malays still live in utter misery, except the Super rich UMNOPutras.

And in the last election, many disappointed Malays were abandoning BN in droves.

Lastly, keep this in mind, 99 percent of Malaysians are not racist. We are too busy living our lives than to check on our neighbours. It is the one percent who are UMNOputras desperately clinging on to power, and who will do anything at any cost, even selling their souls to the devil, that is causing all this ruckus about Racism in this country.

Malays, in their right minds are not going to support this bunch of losers. That is why they say that the Malays are split between UMNO and PAS. And the blame was put on poor old Nik Aziz, who became the scapegoat for splitting the Malays.

Really BN and it's UMNOputras must go!

Life isn't about how to survive the storm,But how to dance in the rain...

Capt Iskandar says it all --not only on behalf of the Malays BUT for ALL MALAYSIANS !!! SYABAS Capt !!!!
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All the shit thrown at the BN GOVERNMENT especially umno

What a great article to wake us up .......................!!!

Subject : Can the People of Malaysia Ever Forgive this Man ? 
 If a non-Malay writes bad about Dr M, maybe that would be understandable . . .
But for another Malay to be writing BAD about him, that is telling . . .

Read what Hussein Hamid wrote

Can you forgive this Man ? As for me - NO, unless he, his sons, and his family return the billions they have stolen from the nation. This man has instituted a culture of Evil within UMNO ( not only of incompetency, irresponsibility, and unaccountability but also of insatiable greed ), an Evil that keeps on stealing more and corrupting more . . . an Evil that refuses to go away and keeps on demanding more & more . . .
We may forgive him for single-handedly destroying the nation, impoverished millions, especially the kampung Malays, abused his power, brought corruption to every sector of government, wasted billions that could have brought prosperity to the nation if well spent, created racial disharmony, brought disrepute to the judiciary, caused distrust upon the civil servants, etc. etc. etc . . . but as long as he does not return what he and his family have stolen from the nation, can we forgive him ? I think, even God cannot forgive him . . . if he doesn't do that)
Pass this on to everyone . . .
Can the people of Malaysia ever forgive Mahathir ?

Written by Hussein Hamid
[Mahathir Mohamad has] . . . created a legacy so monumental that no one could have assumed his mantle.” That was what Abdullah Ahmad gushingly said of Mahathir when the ‘Great Man’ announced his resignation as Prime Minister. Tan Sri Abdullah was Group Editor-in-Chief of the New Straits Times when he wrote the above on 26 June 2002 following the News of Mahathir’s intention.
I believe that came from Abdullah’s heart for you cannot write anything so ‘Moving’ if it . . . does not come from the heart.
Now let me tell you what comes from my heart when I read that.
Who would be foolhardy enough to assume the Mahathir mantle ?
This man used money and power like no other PM of Malaysia has ever done ! Like no other Leader in most parts of the civilized world has ever done, save for some parts of Africa and some parts of our world where accountability for one’s action is easily dismissed through the barrel of the Gun !
Who would dare to assume the monumental mantle of this Mahathir who was instrumental in bringing into our way of life such concepts as Operasi Lalang ( ISA and the ends justify the means of preventive detention ), nepotism, money politics, greed, privatization, IPPs and Perwaja ; the monumental mantle of this Mahathir that displayed such utter vindictiveness to [ destroy ] those who simply do not agree with his point of view ?
It is a monumental mantle to have left as his legacy – negotiated tenders, a tainted judiciary, Bakun, Renong and its horrendous debts, Khir Toyo, Daim Zainuddin and the list is endless. The monumental man almost left us a crooked bridge as well.
Every government machinery, every high public office appointment, every political decision made during Mahathir’s time was at his pleasure and made to do yhis biddings.
Not Dollah, not anyone . . . nobody would be foolhardy enough to try and assume that mantle.
All the personal excesses that we now talk about had its beginnings, development and reached its zenith during Mahathir’s time. Samy Velu, Rafidah, VK Lingam, Augustine Paul, L iong Sik, Daim, Vincent Tan, Abdullah Ang, Eric Cheah . . . the mind boggles at the billions these people made at the expense of the Nation !
Sir, you need to take responsibility
What defines greatness in a man ? “It’s not what you take but what you leave behind that defines greatness.” – Edward Gardner.
Mahathir left us with debts measured in billions, not millions !
This man left us with monuments of First World stature but failed miserably to prepare our then third-world mentality to be ready for these iconic structures. If you bring a nation into an era that it is not ready for, you are being irresponsible !
If you cut corners and award projects to people who YOU think can do the job and they fail to do that job – you take responsibility !
If you do nothing about a Leader that robs his own people blind – like Samy Velu did to the Indians – then you take responsibility.
If you take power away from the Sultans and empower UMNO with the same power and UMNO abuses that power – you take responsibility !
When you remove two of your deputies and in so doing caused:
1) Within UMNO, a factionalism that forever weakened the party;
2) and had one of these removed deputies, Anwar, come back 10 years later and inflict upon UMNO its biggest defeat, you take responsibility.
When you take a dentist and make him Menteri Besar of Selangor – and this MB then proceeds to enrich himself so excessively that it finally culminated in the loss of Selangor to the opposition – then you take responsibility.
When you take Oil Royalties away from Terengganu and Kelantan because the people voted for the Opposition, you take responsibility for the suffering of the people within that state who are now without the funds for development.
When you use Petronas Money to bail out your son’s shipping company to the tune of hundreds of millions, then you take responsibility for abusing the trust the people placed in you as the guardian of public monies.
Can he walk down a street unmolested ?
That a man of your previous stature would require me, a 62-year-old man living in Adelaide, Australia to write this biting and hurtful article about you simply indicates the depth you have allowed yourself to sink to.
Once you told us to look East. We looked East.
You told us to buy British last. We bought British last.
You told us to buy Proton, we bought Proton – albeit with a little arm-twisting. Possibly all those were relevant at that point in time. So Tun, using that analogy, let me respectfully tell you this: “Tun, you are no longer relevant”.
You are no longer relevant in UMNO except to serve the selfish purpose of certain factions. “ Hear ! Hear ! ” or as ( the blogger ) Antares said for the benefit of Ibrahim Ali, “ Dengar, Dengar ! ” You are no longer relevant to the Malays. You have done enough damage to us and we see through your deceptions.
You are no longer relevant to the people in this country. We have all moved on and demand a more open and responsible government. We see through your duplicity and untruths.
Tun, you are only relevant to those that still love you for what you are – a Grandfather, a Father and a Husband. Is it not time that you return their Love and their Need to have you back in their fold ? And that you return the Love and Respect that they give to you for what you are today ? An 84-year-old Grandfather, Father and Husband.
Sir, you would need all the goodness that is in Mecca, all the forgiveness that Mandela has shown to the very people that imprisoned him, and all the love that the families of Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan and Aminulrasyid have for their loved ones if you are ever to be forgiven by the people of Malaysia.
And I know that even with all that, you would still have a hard time walking down the streets of KL without worrying that someone might spit on you . . . and that Sir is the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth . . . so help me God !
This article was first published as ‘ Sir, you need to take responsibility ! ’ in Hussein Hamid’s blog on June 21 and reproduced here with minor editing by CPI.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hello World.

Hi,every one out there.
I am Martin Tan.
You have arrived at my blog.        
It has just been set up.
I am yet to fill it up.
As days go bye I hope
to post interesting articles
for your reading pleasure.
Cheerio and have a great day.

That's me,holding a completely black puppy.
Very cute little fellow.
Unfortunately it died due to distemper affliction.
I advised the owner to  a distemper jab but he didn't.
So those of you who loves dogs,please distemper your
pets ASAP.